أهم 8 برجرافات في منهج الصف الاول الاعدادي

براجرافات لاولى اعدادى

اعداد مستر احمد سعيد
شارك الموضوع أولاً
انسخ النص والصقة في مستند word ثم اطبع

1- "Advice to stay fit and healthy"
It's important to stay fit. You should eat healthy food. You should do sport. You shouldn't smoke. You should sleep early. You shouldn't stay up late.

2- "Helping mum in the kitchen"
I like helping mum in the kitchen. I roll up my sleeves. I wash the dishes. I cook the food. I clean the kitchen. I mustn't touch hot pans.

3-"Modern mobile phones"
Modern mobile phones have cameras. They show films. They play music. They send voicemails. They can send text messages as well. We can use the internet.

4-"Things made of different materials"
Things are made of different materials. Chairs are made of wood. Tyres are made of rubber.Bags are made of plastic. Blankets are made of wool. Cars are made of metal.

Smoking is dangerous to us. It damages lungs. It makes you ill. It damages your teeth. Cigarettes are expensive. You mustn't smoke.

Bilharzia is very dangerous. It comes from dirty water. It makes you ill. It makes you very hot. You must take the right medicine.

7-How a fridge is a useful item that is usually found in the kitchen. The fridge is very useful. It is usually found in the kitchen. It is white. It is expensive. We have a fridge at home. We use it to keep food and drinks.

8- How your mother is always careful in the kitchen.
I like helping mum in the kitchen. She rolls up my sleeves. She wears oven gloves. She washes the dishes. She cooks healthy food. I help her to clean the kitchen.

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